Swim Team Parent Volunteer Jobs
Our volunteers are an important and valued part of our GSSC swim team family and play a key role to help home swim meets run smoothly. If your child participates on the swim team, it is mandatory that each family sign up to volunteer 3 times throughout the season.
VOLUNTEER JOBS: Below are the specific ways you can volunteer.
- Swim Meet Announcer – Welcomes and introduces teams, coaches, officials, calls events up.
- Starter – Starts event after announcer calls, commands swimmers, begins race.
- Head Timer – Coordinates timers for home meets, instructs and assigns timers to lanes, assists with lane judging.
- Lane Timers – Three per lane; time and record swimmers times. Two shifts.
- Meet Referee & Stroke and Turn Judges – Observes starts, swims, turns and finishes.
- Ribbon – Sets up ribbon supplies, labels them and sorts them for opposing team & into GSSC ribbons box.
- Computer Coordinator & Date Entry Volunteers – Sets up the meet file exchange, formats meet line-up, prints off heat sheets before/during the meet and enter race information during the meet.
- Snack Shack & BBQ – Group of parents to prepare and sell food/beverages in concessions during home meets/matches.
- Runners – Distributes and collects timers’ heat sheets during the meets.
- Clerk of Course – Stages & organizes swimmers in the correct heat/event line-up prior to race.
Dive Team Parent Volunteer Jobs
Dive meets offer many volunteer opportunities and rely on the help of parents to run smoothly. It is mandatory that each family sign up to volunteer 3 times throughout the dive season.
VOLUNTEER JOBS: Below are the specific ways you can volunteer.
All meets should have the following officials:
- 5 judges per event (GSSC must provide 3 judges for home meets and 2 judges for away meets)
- 1 certified referee (this person may be one of the judges, but preferably not a coach)
- 3 scoring table officials (announcer, recorded, calculator)
- 1 score table math verification official (Required for all meets to check math: high & low, across, multiplier, and addition)
- 1 awards person
- Snack Shack
The duties of the meet volunteers are described as follows:
- Meet Referee – Shall be a certified judge, can be from any team. Will try not to use a coach of one of the participating teams so they are available to coach their team. Can be shared between coaches if needed. Will take responsibility that all SSSDL Diving Plan procedures are followed. Will call the meet off in accordance with the weather on the advice of the certified lifeguard on duty. Will monitor the quality of the judging and may pull a judge who is blatantly biased toward one team or other. Will monitor diver etiquette, in particular that there be no one present behind or to the sides of the diving board while a diver is on the board. Will stop the meet if there are swimmers in the pool during competition portion of the meet. The referee will not allow the meet to continue until all swimmers exit the pool. The choice to have a water line will be decided by the host pool. Any team member may be pulled from the line for not following the rules. The referee will call all balks, incorrect dives, incorrect positions and remind judges of the rules such as “hands up entries no greater than a 4”
- Judge – Awards scores for each dive during an entire event as instructed at the judging clinic or by the meet referee. (Parents should try to not judge an event in which his/her child is entered if possible.)
- Announcer – Reads the order in which the divers are diving; reads the name, club affiliation, the dive, position and degree of difficulty for all first dives, thereafter omitting the affiliation; calls for the judges’ awards and reads the scores, always in the same order. The announcer is responsible for keeping the pace of the meet moving and must remain impartial to all teams remembering that they are the host of the meet and a representative of SSSDL.
- Recorder – Records the judges’ scores on the dive sheet entry form; cancels the highest and lowest score if there are five judges; and adds to total the scores.
- Calculator – Multiplies the recorder’s total scores to the Degree of Difficulty of the dive. This can preferably be done using a diving slide rule or an electronic calculator when available. The calculator adds the result to the running subtotal.
- Math Verification Official – Checks the score sheet, verifying the scores and the calculations for accuracy; passes the sheets back to the Announcer in correct order.
- Snack Shack – For full menu events, a group of 5 parents are needed to prepare and sell food/beverages and 2-3 to BBQ during the meet, and 1-2 people to help prep food beforehand. 1-2 people are needed for limited menu concession events such as tennis or dive matches.
- Awards – Separates the score sheets by event in the case that events were combined, ranks the score sheets by event and notes the rank on the sheet; fills out any ribbons or medals.