We know learning all the functions of our new website can be a little daunting and frustrating, so we created this step-by-step guide to help you navigate through making your annual dues and account balance payments. We hope this guide helps!
STEP 1: Go to gregoryseahurst.com
STEP 2: Log in to your account using your email and password
STEP 3: If you have unpaid MEMBERSHIP DUES, you will have a RED BAR across the top of your page when you log in. You can either click the Pay Here link
OR go to the Payments Tab and click Make A Payment on the Selection Bar:
STEP 5: You will then see your pending charges – Annual Membership Dues, Maintenance Fees and some optional charges, like guest passes, etc. For the optional fees, there will be a check box option to select that charge. For the non-optional fees like Annual Membership Dues and past years Maintenance Fees, there will be no check box because these are REQUIRED fees.
If you want to pay the current year’s Maintenance Fee at this time, you would select the current year Maintenance Fee box (For example: 2023 Maintenance Fee). Paying your current year’s Maintenance Fee upfront is recommended if you are not planning on participating in any volunteer work parties at this pool this season.
Once you’ve reviewed the optional fee boxes and required fees, select the Credit or Debit check box and click NEXT.
STEP 6: Enter in your payment information and click submit.